Excel Opponent

Achievement motivation is a drive to overcome challenges, advance and grow. This type of motivation leads to goals and highest impulses, since people work better and achieve more outstanding advances. People oriented towards personal achievements seek to win per will and works thanks to its desire to overcome obstacles, achieve goals and be useful to others. The opponent must cultivate and develop your achievement motivation since the oppositions pose numerous challenges to the person who decides to prepare them, the Spanish Constitution is the example clearer. Opponents begin dealing with the study of the Constitution with great enthusiasm, but since they start reading the syllabus discourage deeply.

Articles seems that they do not just never and that everyone is more complicated than the previous one. In this way, the excitement of the first moments is completed transforming into apathy. The motivation of achievement in the opposition if we take into account the contributions made by Robbins, opponents should get develop the following features: tendency to strive to meet personal achievements rather than the rewards of success in itself. This means, that the opponent must raise the challenge posed him the oppositions over the possibility of obtaining the square that worked. Try to make things better or more efficiently than has been done previously.

This means that the opponent must face every day to his agenda forward it to do better than the previous day. Submit a force that drives them to Excel at what they do. I.e., not go to see if sounds the trumpet or simply to approve, but go to raze. Search for situations in which may have the personal responsibility to solve the problems, which may have feedback on their performance to know if they are getting better or not, and at the same time set moderate goals. For what will be required to self-assess the knowledge that makes the agenda through carrying out tests or mock exams. Avoid too easy or difficult tasks. That implies go up the level of complexity or volume of study gradually. Responsibility for success, working to achieve it. A desire to overcome obstacles. This refers to the difficulties as a challenge to overcome and not as insoluble problems arise. Develop these features usually depends on both internal factors (education, life experiences, self-esteem, etc.) person of external factors (family, current work, level of stress, etc.). How to get a personality-oriented to get an achievement-oriented personality the opponent must be trained. Here is where psychologists and psicopedagogos come into action, as they do in the field of sport, where the figure of the coach is essential. A good coach will work with the customer to achieve the following objectives:-generate a transformation process personal and/or professional – equip the person of tools to deal with the processes of change effectively; -increase the power of user action through the development of capacity learning; and – developing skills of emotional intelligence, creativity, leadership and effective communication skills. In this way, the opponent will acquire strategies that will help you become a better person than before starting the oppositions and will be prepared to succeed in them, but also to deal with failure and learn from him. If you are preparing objections and you find yourself discouraged, consider you visit motivational videos that you can find in the section of our library. We hope that you find them useful.